Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reuters and ML

A couple of months ago I had a look at the Calais initiative, which provides a free API to semantic information gathered by Reuters. But it was interesting to find out about its new service for sentiment analysis, called Reuters NewsScope Sentiment Engine.

I was, somehow, surprised that it's a paid service. I have no clue on the quality of their classifiers neither about its costs, but the decision to employ machine learning to attend this common need (specially in its beloved financial world) really indicates Reuters' position as an IT company.

I guess it's all still in the information provider realm, but since we trend towards an era where most information will not be digested by human beings - one has to invest in algorithmic information retrieval strategies in order to deliver knowledge, and machine learning definitely remains at the core of it.

* as a side note, Reuters seems to use the .NET framework for all its development. Is it odd that most software companies no not care about multi-platform solutions?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


A competição Multi-Agent System for Stock Exchange Simulation (MASSES) foi lançada no dia 10/09/2008 e será realizada durante o XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), que ocorrerá de 13 a 17 de outubro/2008 em Campinas-SP.

Dêem uma olhada no site oficial.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Hug a developer

A day in the life of a developer is indeed quite amazing.